The most important things in marketing
are: - Your narrative. Having an engaging,
true, and admirable story to tell.
- Your reach. Being able to
connect with your target market.
- Fulfilling your customers’
- Building an interactive community. You want your customers to become
part of your family, or at least part of your business network. You want to fill each other's needs.
- Trust. All relationships are built on trust, especially those in business.
The best kind of marketing is word-of-mouth.
People trust their friends. An example: A few years ago, my friend John did a lot of research and bought a Honda
Fit (true story). He is extremely happy with it. Says it is fun to drive, holds the road well, has plenty of power, has lots
of safety features, and it gets 41 miles to the gallon. I believe him. If I were in the market for a small car, I’d
look at that make and model first. Why? Becasuse I have known him for years, and I trust him.
The next best kind of marketing is people-to-people contact. The
handshake. That’s why the good old fashioned salesman was so good for so long.
Next comes everything else.
The goal is to build trust.
Every business relationship is based on trust. (So is every relationship, come to think of it.)
In a way, the Internet is just another way to reach your market.
It can be an amazing tool and highly efficient, if it’s on target. If it’s not, well….
I believe in integrated marketing—using all the tools you
can to accomplish your goals.
My job is
to help people understand your story—who you are, what you stand for, and what you are going to do for them. You
want them to get on board, for whatever reason, whether that is selfish (you can help them make money or live their dream)
or altruistic (you can help them go “green”).
Sometimes, it helps to have a larger purpose. Here are some examples: - Trying to save a deserving business, community or industry.
- Trying to build the business base of a community.
- Seeking
fair treatment for your clients.
- Trying to save the planet by helping
a community or an industry “go green.”
- Helping a
business or organization further a larger cause.
Questions I need to ask: - What
is your core business? Where do you stand in your marketplace? Where do you want to stand?
- What have you done in the past and how well has it worked? Let's review your internal and external communications, past, present, and
future. Where have you been, where are you going, and how are we going to get there?
- What does your compeitition do? Is it successful?
- What
are the best media to reach your target market?
- Let's shape your narrative,
launch our efforts, then track our success.
Call me. Let us succeed together.
This section
may not seem important, but I think it is.
Before you hire a consultant, you should know how he (or she) thinks,
and if your goals and values are compatible.
I have seen consultants whose primary goal was to milk
the client for every dollar they could get, whether they helped the client or not.
That's not how I do business.
If you hire me, we are in business together with your money, and you should have control over it. I give my clients
a detailed time sheet, showing exactly what each bill is for, with each invoice. You get that before you pay the
If you don't need that, file it away. But you should have it anyway.
Any business
is like owning a deli. Your sandwiches should be fresher and bigger than people expect. The soup should be hot. And the customer
should get their order a little early. You should both walk away smiling.